Drone Day

It's collective d r ( ( ( ( ( ( o ) ) ) ) ) n e time! Join us from 4 - 10 pm this Saturday, May 27, at Likewise Community in Fayetteville as we participate in Drone Day. Soak in sonic vibrations of all textures & tones as we collectively celebrate International Drone Day, where communities across the globe will resonate with each other through sustained sound. Through our collective voice, participants are invited to travel inward, listen deeply to the world around us & to one another. The only goal is sound must be sustained throughout the entire event.

Bring an instrument, your voice or simply the movement of your body to contribute to the drone. Also recommended: a blanket, bean bag or yoga mat to set up and enjoy the reverberations of the studio walls.

This event is all ages with a suggested donation of $10 with proceeds donated to support artists + musicians from countries affected by the war in Ukraine. To join, entire under the Likewise logo and follow the ramp down. For parking assistance or accessibility accommodations call 479.601.1821⁠.