Robbie Lynn Hunsinger Workshop: Coding 101 with P5js

Sunday, Oct. 13, 5-7 pm @ 21C Museum Hotel Bentonville - We’re thrilled to present a coding workshop with Robbie Lynn Hunsinger. No experience necessary and all ages welcome! Learn the fundamentals of coding by building colorful interactive animations. You will even be able to draw with your nose! Learn about digital color mixing, how to create and move shapes with code, and how to create interactive artworks with physical input. You will leave with a foundation in computer programming and the ability to create more beautiful codeart.

Please note that this is a text based online coding framework: any type of laptop or a tablet with an external keyboard is recommended. WIFI will be provided and space is limited! The workshop cost is $50. Please reach out about scholarship opportunities.

If you are curious and want to learn more, please check these resources. This is the program we will use in class : This is a beautiful showcase for P5js projects:

Robbie Lynn is a top professional classical oboist turned coder, composer and creative technologist, multimedia performer, interactive installation artist and teacher. Based in Chicago and Nashville, she has taught music and 4D art at a handful of universities and was a presenter at the Chamber Music America Conference. She has been a featured speaker, teacher and performer at several universities and conferences and has had both art and music work funded by the NEA.  If you'd like to learn more about her adventures with code, check her main website or find her on IG, FB or Youtube