Gallery Concert: Robbie Lynn Hunsinger

2 pm, Sunday, Oct. 13 at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art // Join us for an afternoon with reed-based experimental musician Robbie Lynn Hunsinger. Her journey began as a top notch classical oboist before becoming a composer, improviser, multi-instrumentalist, media artist, creative technologist and educator. She is a pioneer in oboe performance, interactive installation, responsive media performance and creative technology and one of the few living artists to integrate, solder and code all of these elements herself. Hunsinger was a top notch classical oboist before becoming a composer, improviser, multi-instrumentalist, media artist, creative technologist and educator. She is a pioneer in oboe performance, interactive installation, responsive media performance and creative technology and one of the few living artists to integrate, solder and code all of these elements herself. She’ll present a workshop at 21C Museum Hotel later that day. If you’d like more information on that, drop us a line!

A proud member of the LGBTQ community and a powerful environmental and conservation activist, Hunsinger is the founder of the now famous Chicago Bird Collision Monitors program, one of the largest and most effective hands on conservation efforts in the world. We can’t wait to resonate with her!